The implication of the character's name is that people who don't conform to their assigned-at-birth gender are mentally ill, a claim that's historically been used to undermine and "reform" transgender individuals. This character reflects harmful stereotypes of trans people trying to "deceive" cisgender individuals. One Vice City storyline features a cross-dressing or transgender character simply called "The Psycho." The player is tasked with killing "The Psycho," who presents as female to get close to the members of a band she's obsessed with. There are numerous other examples of transphobic jokes in the franchise's history. RELATED: The Best Cheats in Grand Theft Auto 5 These NPCs added little to the game other than existing to perpetuate surface-level stereotypes about trans women.
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These characters, which players noticed were called "drag queens" in the game's Director Mode but tagged as "transvestites" within the PC version's files, made comments to the player or other NPCs about using hormones. The changes in GTA V's next-gen release include the removal of several NPCs from outside of the nightclub Cockatoos. RELATED: Grand Theft Auto 5: Are GTA+'s April Benefits Worth the Price of Admission? Given the franchise's massive popularity and influence, Rockstar's actions carry weight and may set the precedent for how it - and perhaps other companies - will handle such material in the future.

While small, the removal of some of this content represents a step in the right direction. Its numerous trans or cross-dressing characters heavily rely on outdated and offensive stereotypes. Grand Theft Auto's portrayal of transgender individuals has long been a stain on the popular gaming franchise.